Travel Insurance: These ideas may cost you dearly this summer

Exercise Before you go on vacation, make sure you are up to date on your travel insurance coverage. Because in this area, received ideas die hard … I already covered my credit card It is not uncommon for French tourists to think that they are already covered by their trip thanks to the insurance contract … Read more

Summer Vacation: Need to Get Private Home Insurance for Your Rental?

There is nothing like going on vacation with a free spirit. Have you thought about securing the house with the pool you booked this summer? Have you considered modifying your multi-risk home contract before renting your home? MoneyVox explains everything for you. Summer vacation is fast approaching. For their vacation, French above all prefer to … Read more

Holidays: How do you keep your dog or cat this summer?

While the SPA (Association for the Protection of Animals) gathers 46000 animals After desertion, with the increase in summer, is more important than ever for ownersAnticipate their holidays. How do you take care of your pet during your absence? Take your pet on vacation Sometimes taking your pet with you to your vacation can be … Read more

Gardening, two-wheelers, DIY… With summer, hand accidents are increasing

Summer is here. And with it, the desire to go out, go on vacation, do crafts or gardening. But watch out for accidents! Hand operations double each summer season. What if we did a little pa picnic With guacamole in the afternoon, before going on a motorbike to sunbathe on the beach or pruning plants … Read more

Summer Salad Vinaigrette: 7 quick and easy recipes for changing the trio of oil, vinegar and mustard

During the summer season, all we want is to gather around a table covered with delicious dishes to share. And among all the possible options, the summer salad comes in first place! However, it can quickly turn into a challenge if not accompanied properly. So that you don’t miss out, here are 7 summer salad … Read more