Legal obstacle course for the sale of “La Provence”

The summer will be long for the group’s eight hundred and fifty employees Provence. Le processus de vente du journal marseillais, propriété de l’homme d’affaires Bernard Tapie, décédé le 3 October 2021, est pris dans les rets de procédures judiciaires à répétition et reste dépendant du seléravé aurent a company. Except for a new development, … Read more

What is selling with buyback – temporary sale of one’s inheritance

to share What is buyback sale? Restitution is a technique often used by individuals to raise funds. It consists of selling an asset (real estate, jewelry, artwork, etc.), while retaining the right to repurchase it within a pre-agreed period of time, and generally at a higher price. The advantage of this system is that it … Read more

“Accidental sale of a landing (common part) with an apartment: how is it organized?” Amandine LABRO Avocat – Journal de l’Agence

The sale of real estate can reveal the irregular annexation of a common part to an apartment for many years. How do you organize? Response from Amandine Labreux’s lawyer at the Paris Bar. Several solutions exist to settle the annexation process, in particular the conclusion reached by the general assembly of the co-owners or by … Read more