RC Pro: What is professional liability insurance?

Every insurance company must carry professional indemnity to protect itself in the event of damage to its clients. We tell you all about RC Pro here. Professional indemnity insurance is not It is not mandatory for all professions or businesses; but she Highly recommended For any company regardless of the field of activity in which … Read more

All about professional liability insurance – realite-news.com

Many occupational sectors do not require a subscription to occupational insurance. However, it is highly recommended, even if your company has no legal obligation in this regard. Subscribing to professional insurance: all the advantages Professional insurance, not mandatory, but recommended, can protect you from many unforeseen situations in your workplace. In fact, it can, for … Read more

Helmet laws: do they affect liability? Legal Reader

In order to be able to fight claims that not wearing a helmet caused your injuries, you will need to present a significant amount of evidence. Motorcycle accidents are still an ongoing issue. They usually occur due to driver negligence, such as speeding or an unsafe lane change. With so many accidents happening, a motorcycle … Read more