This ex-lawyer’s foreign loans go bad

Source: Shutterstock Because his trust account is allowed to be used to do business in the Bahamas and China, the bar is cracking down on this former lawyer. In fact, Willmar Carvajal He just received an 18-month ban, imposed by the Barrow-Quebec Disciplinary Council. The write-off began on June 21, 2022. This … Read more

Lawyers deprived of their rights

Doug Mitchell, Michael Short, Shannon Snow, Adam Sternthal, and Frederic Lesauer. Sources: IMK, Fasken, Sternthal Montigny Greenberg St-Germain, Propulsio Business Advisors 360 Since they make the right to use the language of one’s choice fictitious before the courts, two texts of Bill 96, which were approved last May, must pass the legal … Read more

The Ghosn case: Two French judges in Tokyo for questioning

NotA new step in the investigation targets Carlos Ghosn in Nanterre: Two judges and a French investigator arrived in Tokyo on Saturday to conduct interrogations about financial flows that could have been ordered by the former boss of Renault-Nissan at the expense of Renault. An arrest warrant from French courts has targeted, between 2012 and … Read more

INFO FranceINFO. The Adama Traore case: the two judges heard the gendarmes involved in his arrest

The two investigative judges in charge of investigating the causes of the death of the young Adama Traore on July 19, 2016 in Beaumont-sur-Oise (Val d’Oise) heard again last May the three gendarmes involved in his arrest, after nearly six years. The facts, franceinfo learned from compatible sources. The lawyer for the relatives of the … Read more

‘I don’t take 500 banknotes, if that’s the question you’re asking me’: Pascal Garbarini, Betty Bar gang lawyer, faces judges

More than four years of proper order, dozens of hours of intercepted conversations, and about two dozen indictments in the course of a judicial investigation opened in 2018 in the specialized interregional jurisdiction of Marseille on aggravated money laundering, lack of justification of resources and criminal association. . At the end of these investigations, the … Read more