Perpignan: Assistant to Louis Elliott takes City Hall to court

The elected representative of the municipal majority and director of the Publissud company, Rémi Génis, dissatisfied with the mayor’s decision not to remove billboards that he considers illegal, decided to file a case with the Administrative Court. An embarrassment for Louis Eliot during the MP’s absence during the last two city councils. The mayor never … Read more

History of Toulouse. Lawyer, prosecutor and merchant .. How was the capital born in the Pink City

by Toulouse Editorial Board Posted in July 3 22 at 15:30 Toulouse news see my news Follow these media This painting by Jacques Polpin (1595) represents providence, honor, vigilance, and the moral virtues of the metropolis. (© Didier Dequins) We are the Capitol, the governors of the city of Toulouse, the chiefs of the nobility, … Read more

Sud-Yvelines: The city council wants to build a room for everyone near the 13th century church

by Stephanie Small Posted in 30 June 22 at 2:10 pm 78 news see my news Follow these media A new room for all was planned next to the chapel, rue Saint-Jacques in Saint-Martin-de-Bréthencourt in Sud-Yvelines. Business is currently suspended. (© 78news) The chapel Saint-Jacques from the thirteenth century to Saint Martin de BrethencourtIn South … Read more

An Arab hotel owner in the old city facing eviction asks Biden for 10 minutes

The manager of a hotel in the Old City whose lease was bought by a far-right Jewish organization wants to give US President Joe Biden “just up to ten minutes” for religious leaders during his visit to Israel next month to listen to their concerns and reassure them of that. Christianity will remain safe in … Read more