Wrong Separation: Why Call a Labor Lawyer?

When an employer decides to terminate his employment contract with one of his employees without providing valid reasons in the eyes of the law, he is considered arbitrary dismissal. There is also talk of dismissal without a real and serious reason. To apply the law, the employee has several means and can be accompanied by … Read more

Europe: Three unions call on courts to cancel professional elections

New Clause in Court for Accommodation Facility for Dependent Seniors (Ehpad) Special Orpea. Three unions, CGT, CFDT and FO are attacking the group because they believe it has been manipulated by management in favor of the ‘house’ union. The District Court of Hauts-de-Seine, where the Orpea Group is based, retained its ruling on September 12. … Read more

‘I just wanted to call him dad’: Boy, 11, shares journey of being adopted by his stepfather

For an 11-year-old boy from Cincinnati, Ohio, who was formally adopted by his stepfather into their forever family, this special day meant the world to him. “I’ve been waiting for this for a long time,” Connor Julian told The Epoch Times. “When the judge said I was officially adopted, I burst into tears because I … Read more

Better Call Saul (Netflix): The tragic reason why last season almost never saw the light of day

Seven years after the start of the series The best of Saul on demandThe sixth and final season of the series may not have seen the light of day. And for good reason, Bob Odenkirk, lead actor and translator for attorney Jimmy McGill, had a heart attack on the set of the episode. Continuing under … Read more

Covid in Italy: What some call conditioning, we choose to call it empowerment

March 11, 2020. From Rome, former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi called on CNN’s Western countries to take drastic measures to prevent the spread of Covid. We’re right before confinement and the sequence looks like it’s out of a blockbuster American movie, with this desperate politician: “Don’t underestimate the risks like we did. A lot … Read more