Trial of November 13 attacks: ‘We are in a satisfying moment for everyone,’ says Mai Shamla, civil parties lawyer

At the end of nearly ten months of debates and one hundred and forty-eight days of hearings, the Paris Special Assize Court must deliver its verdict, Wednesday 29 June, in this historic trial of the attacks on November 13, 2015, that killed 130 in Paris and Saint-Denis. Of the twenty defendants tried at this trial, … Read more

Trial of the November 13 attacks: Ask your questions and follow the verdict live

At the end of nearly ten months of debates and one hundred and forty-eight days of hearings, the Paris Special Assize Court must deliver its verdict, Wednesday 29 June, in this historic trial of the attacks on November 13, 2015, that killed 130 in Paris and Saint-Denis. Of the twenty defendants tried at this trial, … Read more

France is now creating inflation risk insurance without knowing who will pay the premiums

The law against price hikes that the government promises will cost a fortune, but not only in debt. It will install an economic model where the danger no longer exists because it is fully assembled. What is the value of a risk-free economy? Not very expensive. All the models that defined the end of economic … Read more

Ladislas Wedrychowski, lawyer for the Loire Valley family in the Paris attacks trial

It’s the end of a file Historic river trial Verdict on the November 13, 2015 attacks in Paris. The decision is scheduled for Wednesday, June 29. After ten months of sessions. Historic Trial Duration: It Is The longest in post-war France history. It is also historic for the number of people involved: more than 2,500 … Read more