‘Samber rapist’: Dino Scala appeals his conviction

DrOn Thursday, Eno Scala appealed against his 20-year prison sentence for serial rape and sexual assault committed between 1988 and 2018, we learned from a source close to the case and the civil parties. At the end of three weeks of the hearing, the Northern University court convicted Dino Scala, nicknamed the “sambar rapist,” in … Read more

Ethical harassment at France Telecom: Ending the appeals trial of former executives, on September 30

The Solicitor General on appeal requested a one-year prison sentence including six months suspended and a fine of €15,000 against the group’s former CEO from 2005 to 2010, Didier Lombard, and his former figure Louis-Pierre Wynes. On Friday, the Paris Court of Appeal deliberated on its September 30 decision to try several former France Telecom … Read more

North: The State Council appeals a municipal decision depriving violators of social assistance

Obvious evaluation error. The State Council, which was confiscated by the Human Rights League on Friday, suspended a deliberation session in the city of Kodori (North), which had planned to deprive some “deviants” or their families of voluntary social assistance paid by the municipality. Thus, France’s highest administrative court overturns an order of the summary … Read more