CGT in Europe takes legal action to “obstruct union rights”

“We make life difficult for them. We obviously have exhausted them.” : These words targeting Orpea’s CGT guild delegates were uttered by a former head of human resources within the group. Recorded without his knowledge, it appears on one of the audio clips taken from October 2018 to August 2019, attached to the CGT complaint, … Read more

1.2 TCe engine. Where is the class action lawsuit against Renault/Nissan?

After sending an official notice suggesting friendly negotiations, “Motorgate” collective action moved against Renault and Nissan. The two companies have now been summoned for a hearing on Tuesday 12 July at Versailles court. Legal recalls associated with reliability issues for the 1.2 TCe engine, which were noted by argus Since 2016. Behind these steps, we … Read more

Collective action targeted Renault and Nissan to be sued for faulty old engine

Lawyer Christophe Legefakis threatened Renault with a “procedural guerrilla war”. On Tuesday, June 21, the French group and its ally Nissan filed a lawsuit in France in the framework of the so-called collective action on behalf of 1,100 dissatisfied customers. The dispute concerns malfunctions of an engine that was produced in Europe in 400,000 copies … Read more

Nurses: Facing Disciplinary Action

What happens when the Nursing Medal must intervene from a disciplinary standpoint toward a nurse whose practices are questioned? Brief overview of the well-defined process. © nampix / ShutterStock Disciplinary action? This sometimes happens in the nursing community. So when that ax falls on the head of the caregiver, the action takes a very specific … Read more