SNCF simplifies train travel with a pet and sets a single fare!

With tens of thousands of signatures, a petition addressed to SNCF by the AVA has led to progress in getting pets on board trains. The railway company accepted one of the requests in the text for a revision of its pricing policy in this area.

fee : "SNCF simplifies train travel with a pet and sets a single fare!"

We remember this tragedy that happened nearly a year ago, in July 2021, on board a between cities After stopping between Narbonne And the Beziers. Departure was 30 minutes late, power outage and thus turning off the air conditioner had caused a dog to have fatal heat stroke. Bobbya two-year-old Pomeranian, who gave in to her despite her attemptsIOwner to update it.

In the wake of this horrific incident, the Animal Protection Association AVA (Working for animal lifePetition on the podium my opinionsto treat SNCF A list of measures intended to make public service more respectful of animals.

After obtaining more than 26,000 signatures, the petition in particular demanded:

  • emergency device in case of prolonged stop in the middle of the lane;
  • Tolerance requirement regarding muzzle wear;
  • creating “animal friendly” buggies (much like what we saw recently in Japan);
  • Agent Training SNCF welcome dogs on board;
  • Review the company’s pricing policy for pet transportation…

Hence this last point is that SNCF It commits to change, by setting a single price of €7 for any dog ​​traveling by train with its master. Today, in fact, owners of dogs weighing more than 6 kilograms have to pay half the price of a ticket for them, even if they do not even have a seat; These animals are forced to make the journey in the middle of the wagon lane, with all the limitations and inconveniences involved.

Clarification to the article: SNCF simplifies train travel with a pet and sets one fare!

Illustrative image

A big first step towards improving pet transportation

A measure that relaxes users with the company of their animals, but is also likely to contribute to the fight against abandonment, AVA On her site on Monday 13 June. It will be easier and cheaper to take your dog on vacation by train.

ALSO READ: A persistent helper dog tries to tell his lover she is going to give birth!

If this is the only request for a petition that has been accepted before SNCFThe association considers this a real victory and expresses its pride.” To allow this first step “.

We thank SNCF for working on behalf of animals and their ownersannounced Elisa GorenzResponsible for CommunicationAVA. We are pleased to have contributed to this real progress that has the advantage of taking societal expectations into account in an increasingly tense economic context. »


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