Legal obstacle course for the sale of “La Provence”

The summer will be long for the group’s eight hundred and fifty employees Provence. Le processus de vente du journal marseillais, propriété de l’homme d’affaires Bernard Tapie, décédé le 3 October 2021, est pris dans les rets de procédures judiciaires à répétition et reste dépendant du seléravé aurent a company. Except for a new development, the fight between Xavier Niel, founder of Free (and single contributor to Globalism), and Rodolphe Saadé, chief owner of the CMA-CGM ship, should not have concluded, at best, before the fall.

Read also: This article is reserved for our subscribers Sale of “La Provence”: approval of the acquisition is suspended by CMA-CGM

The Bobigny court, which is leading the legal liquidation of the Bernard Tapie Group (GBT), has cautiously postponed its decision on the offer by the offshore group until September 30, 2022. Far Horizon whose employees already know that it will not necessarily be synonymous with a conclusion. What generates their anxiety at a time when the group Provencewhich is also published Morning courseAccording to various sources, you lose between 600 thousand and one million euros per month.

Sixth session

Wednesday, June 29, in the honor hall of the Commercial Court of Marseille, which has been turned into a furnace by the heat wave, the Opera held its sixth session since the call for bids. It was a question of determining this time, if the approval given by the Group’s Board of Directors, on May 9, 2022 at the end of a remarkable session, to the CMA-CGM bid should be rescinded. Thirteen days before that, the same court, filing a summary case with Avenir Développement, a subsidiary of NJJ, the holding company of Xavier Niel, which owns 11% of the newspaper’s capital, filed this approval, considering that the directors representing Mr. • Neil was illegally deprived of his right to vote.

Read also: This article is reserved for our subscribers La Provence employees demand justice by ‘end-game whistle’

“Every time, we think we’re moving toward clarification and each time, it gets more ambiguous and gives the impression that the solution is moving further away,” Amazed, stunned, Jerome Laurent, Secretary of the Social and Economic Commission (CSE) at Provence. This time, the court promised a quick decision, on July 21. But winning or losing can resume after that.

Wednesday 29th Junee Didier Malka, Avenir Developments’ attorney, denounced the maneuver “grotesque and gross” Chairman of the Board Jean-Christophe Servati, CEO of Provencethat did not authorize the vote of representatives of Xavier Neal. On the other hand, Bernard Bouquet, defender of the newspaper’s direction, appreciated “Mr Sarfati has taken over his responsibilities because there is a company behind 850 employees.”.

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