Discover the new 7 euro train ticket to travel with your dog!

Happy dog ​​and cat owners have reason to rejoice: since the end of June, they can Take the train with their pets Without having to spend a large amount of money. The trip will cost them only 7 euros, News in good time at the start of summer vacation! Here are the details on 7 euro train ticket For dogs and cats.

One fare of €7 to travel by train with your dog

Woman and her dog on a train

Since June 23, 2022, SNCF has changed its pricing rules for transporting pets on its lines. From now on, travel with your pet It will only cost you 7 euros On SNCF, no matter how big your dog (or cat) is.

How much did it cost before?

Surely you have already wondered: Can I ride public transportation with my dog? Well, a few weeks ago, getting on the train with your pet was pretty expensive, especially if it Weight and height Your companion from carrying it in a carry bag.

Certainly, if your animal weighs Less than six kilograms It can be matched with a bag or basketticket cost”Just» 7 euros. On the other hand, when he exceeded these benchmarks, the price of his train ticket went up. Then you had to pay a price Half fare ticket.

7€, one price for all dogs

This is a great summer novelty for people who love to travel by train with their four-legged friends: it wouldn’t cost you more to take your pet now on vacation if your dog was bigger! you will pay Fixed amount 7 euros to transfer it. And that’s regardless of your destination or the time of your flight.

On which trains can you travel with a ticket of 7 euros?

A person and his dog are waiting for the train

You can buy a €7 ticket for travel on the following trains:

  • TGV Inoui;
  • Intercity trains;
  • exposure rates to toxins .

As for Ouigo, the ticket price for the pet has been reduced to 10 euroPreviously for 15 euros.

Where to buy a 7 euro train ticket for your dog?

You can buy your pet ticket online or at the station.

Why did we switch to the €7 price tag?

end of discrimination

man and dog on station platform

We mentioned that before, SNCF collected a Supplement for large and medium dogs (Labrador, Beagles, German Shepherds, etc.). But she did not reserve a place for them on the train! So they traveled by land, bound and gagged, for a high price of Half fare ticket. This difference in treatment seemed particularly unfair discriminatory In the eyes of many masters and pet nannies.

With the single fare, the larger animals still certainly don’t have a designated seat on the train. They should stay On the ground under the feet of the passenger. However, the owners are now paying a reasonable price.

Savings for owners

For many years, it was Complaints of disgruntled travelers Stacked in the complaints management offices of the National Criminal Police Authority. Some passengers paid large sums to take their dog with them.

In addition, half the fare was calculated based on a Kilometer scale , and not the ticket price of the passenger, who can benefit from certain discounts depending on his status (large, youth card, etc.). Some found themselves in You pay more for their animal than you pay for them!

Therefore, in this period of historical inflation (+ 5.8% in June 2022 over one year), this single ticket is good for the wallet, even if we would clearly prefer to be able to take FreeOur comrades are with us.

Do you know ? Only guide dogs can travel without a ticket for free on trains.

The struggle against summer abandonment

A secondary outcome that many hope for animal protection associationsThe reduction in the ticket price should encourage owners to take their pets with them on vacation… and so on Reducing dropouts in the summer,That makes thousands of people unhappy every year.

The France It is number 1 in Europe in terms of animal abandonment. In the summer of 2021, according to the Saudi Press Agency, 16,894 animals were collected, which is an unprecedented record in our country.

Heloise is the author of this page. To learn more about our editorial team, click here.

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