Collective action targeted Renault and Nissan to be sued for faulty old engine

Lawyer Christophe Legefakis threatened Renault with a “procedural guerrilla war”. On Tuesday, June 21, the French group and its ally Nissan filed a lawsuit in France in the framework of the so-called collective action on behalf of 1,100 dissatisfied customers. The dispute concerns malfunctions of an engine that was produced in Europe in 400,000 copies in 2010.

Christophe Leguivakis, a lawyer in charge of Mailu’s platform, told Reuters that the subpoenas were filed on June 21 by a court custodian. It’s just a test referral.specially. “The goal is not to compensate yet, but to look for evidence. It’s a sequential risk that Renault learned about and had to recall the cars.Believe the lawyer who invokes the safety of drivers.

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Renault denies any safety issues

Renault has acknowledged that the engine, which was produced in Spain and the UK between 2012 and 2016, suffered from excessive oil consumption. But the company believes that there is no security issue. He wants proof that the regulatory authorities never ordered a recall.

“The Renault group does not envisage global negotiations and will continue to study on a case-by-case basis the possibility of considering compensation on the basis of a technical diagnosis”A group spokesman said in the diamond. The manufacturer adds that 93% of specific customers who encountered difficulty have received support.

Nissan refers to its Individual Assistance Policy for any customer who has encountered a problem. “As a first step, we encourage customers who believe they have been affected by this issue to contact their nearest Nissan dealership who will inspect and diagnose the vehicle appropriately and provide the necessary support.”The Japanese group called in a statement sent to Reuters.

133,000 vehicles involved in France

Christophe Leguyfax, who extended the incrimination period to 2012-2018, believes that the engine can be dangerous in the event of a breakage, due to the consequent loss of power. The 1.2-liter gasoline unit has already been designated in 2019 by the UFC Que Choisir Association for its oil consumption. In France, the defect is likely to concern 133,000 cars of Renault, Dacia and Nissan, but also of Mercedes brands.

On its site, Myleo notes that taking the test can last about three months from the date of the recall. Secondly, if justice responds to our requests, the Renault-Nissan Group can be found criminally guilty. This would pave the way for compensation that may exceed the vehicle purchase price increased by various damages, particularly moral damages due to consumers’ intentional exposure to the risk of a fatal accident.Adds podium.

With Reuters (Jill Guillaume, Editing by Mathieu Brottard)

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