CGT in Europe takes legal action to “obstruct union rights”

“We make life difficult for them. We obviously have exhausted them.” : These words targeting Orpea’s CGT guild delegates were uttered by a former head of human resources within the group. Recorded without his knowledge, it appears on one of the audio clips taken from October 2018 to August 2019, attached to the CGT complaint, submitted to the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Nanterre, Wednesday, June 29.

In addition to these recordings, there are other testimonies – seventy pieces in total – aimed at persuading the Public Prosecutor of Nanterre to open an investigation against the first European group of nursing homes and private clinics for seven crimes, including those related to “impeding the right to organize” and “collective bargaining” “.

CGT accuses Orpea of ​​orchestrating a ” war of attrition “ against its representatives, “Renounce”, to systematically dismiss employees who claim this union for their defense in disputes with their management. CGT is also calling for Orpea to be prosecuted for “organized gang fraud”. According to CGT, ‘Staff were cheated’ by management, from ” pilot ” Behind the scenes, Home Union, Arc-en-ciel, the majority, and UNSA, number two.

Cut off microphones and intimidation

Started in 2019, the UGTT legal battle against Europe has resumed with renewed vigor since the release of journalist Victor Castaigne at the end of January, grave diggers (Vayard, 400 pages, €22.90). The book that denounces ” the system “ Orpea has revealed a series of recordings that CGT is relying on to file a criminal complaint.

These tapes were produced by Camille Lamarche, who was hired from 2018 to 2019 in the Human Resources Department (HRD). The lawyer explains that she wanted to warn about “discrimination” unions. His audio documents attest to the scams of the Human Resources Department, which enabled Arc-en-ciel to win (over 60% of the vote) in the Social and Economic Commission elections, in June 2019.

Read also: This article is reserved for our subscribers She attacked the European administration for “collusion” with the union of the majority in it

In February, CGT attacked Orpea before the Bhutto (Hauts-de-Seine) District Court in order to obtain the cancellation of this election for “Violations”. The deliberations are expected to take place on Sept. 12.

As reported by the complaint submitted to the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Nanterre on Wednesday “Chilling practices”And the Designed to discourage CGT delegates from “Delivery”explains Apolline Cagnat, associate attorney at Bourdon & Associés, and author of the complaint with Me Basil Oud. Among these practices are cutting microphones during salary negotiations, forgetting to book train tickets for CGT elected officials, refusing to pay for delegation hours, or bullying a delegate from that union. “Blackardized”This found itself In September 2019, with the sign ” no entry ” at the door of his office. The employees of her establishment in Vitrolis (Buch du Rhone) were instructed not to speak to her, on the grounds, according to management, that she had formed her. ‘Threat to social peace’.

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